All you need to know about The POPAI Sustainability Partnership
Designed for Brands and Retailers, the POPAI Sustainability Partnership has been developed with POPAI client members to best reflect their needs in the incredibly fast moving world of sustainability. Participation in the partnership will reinforce a company’s credentials, allow engagement with like-minded professionals, and provide support and advice related to display and retail sustainability.
Working with POPAI’s Sustainability team, there will be an opportunity to guide POPAI’s sustainability activities, suggest research and training, promote best practice and get information on the latest trends, materials and best practice.
Through the Sustain® tool, Brands and Retailers will be able to obtain metrics from their suppliers from a Sustain® tool score, embedded lifetime carbon, embodied water, recycled content and end of life related to the displays they commission. This gives the opportunity to first benchmark a displays environmental impact, compare versions, then make positive changes.
Download an overview of the POPAI Sustainability Partnership and discover the benefits for your business.
This handy PDF download is ideal to share with your internal teams.
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Partnership is available to Members and Non-member Brands and Retailers at a cost of £750 per annum.