Whether you’re a retailer or brand interested in becoming a supporter of the PSS scheme, or a supplier within the industry keen to become accredited, signing up to PSS is easy and cost effective. Simply complete the form below to take your first step to joining the POPAI Sustainability Standard.

The cost of the products and services listed in the PSS is £750 for a 12-month period for POPAI Members and £1250 for non-members.

Please note: We're unable to give access to PSS products and services until payment has been received. By registering, you understand that POPAI may use aggregated data from companies involved in the scheme to help in the ongoing development of the PSS. All data will be treated in the strictest confidence and no single company will be identified, without prior written consent. Data submitted through the POPAI website will not be passed on to third parties and is transmitted and held securely.

It is critical that the impartiality and robustness of the PSS is maintained. By signing up to the PSS, you agree to allow POPAI to conduct random on-site spot checks relating to any information you provide.

Once you’ve completed the form, click Continue to proceed.

About You

Please complete the fields below with your details and when ready click the Continue button.

First Name  
Company Name  
Work Email Address  

To continue and pay the £750+VAT fee online with your credit card, click the Continue button below.