Student Internship Scheme

Ravensbourne University London are excited to be building on our current successes and further explore businesses to engage with our enterprise of giving students real work opportunities during their studies.
The university recently had four nominations for the POPAI award and has been successfully building strong industry partnerships that have benefitted student experience in industry and showcasing to employers the talent and ability of these new designers and creatives. Ravensbourne is driving new initiatives to support the development of the next generation of product, service design and UX/UI designers. They are now expanding their offering to give students the opportunity to take on work-based learning with organisations as part of their academic progress.
The Careers Lab at Ravensbourne supports courses within Product Design and UX/UI as well as masters courses including Project Management and Design Management. Ben Steel is the direct contact at Ravensbourne and is keen to meet organisations looking at enterprise, exploring potential internships, being a part of workshops and further projects. He and the university are keen to network, see where there are opportunities to collaborate and develop work connecting current students with industry.
“I’ve had the pleasure of discussing work internships and projects with companies” says Ben. “The conversations have gone in a variety of directions, all of which have been positive. The most important thing is for students to experience real work, to be inspired by industry and to showcase their skills to those in work. Companies have found this resource to be effective at providing teaching experiences and supportive for their own potential graduate of new and energetic creatives.”
Ben has requested that anyone with an idea, interested in learning more or is curious about the work at Ravensbourne, to get in contact via LinkedIn or at –
Ravensbourne University London is based within the Design District next to the O2 in North Greenwich and has a long and established legacy of producing Industry-ready creatives that have been hugely influential in the design industries over the most recent few decades.