POPAI Awards - Information required

Each POPAI Award entry will need the following information:

Entry title (max 5 words)


Case study information - answers to the following case study questions, depending on the category you are entering.


Main questions (Categories 1-16 and 23)

Q1. Sometimes judges find it difficult to separate display(s) to be judged from the wider retail environment. With this in mind please itemise what is included please itemise what is included in this entry.

Q2. What is the entry's targeted retail environment?

Q3. Why were the materials and manufacturing processes in this entry chosen?

Q4. What were the marketing objectives?

Q5. Describe how the entry acheived its marketing objectives overall:

Production date

Production run quantity

Unit price to client (£) (for judges eyes only)

Proof of Shipment


Special questions (Categories 17-21)

17. Sustainability

Q1. Practices employed in the design stage of the project that reduced the environmental impact of the display?
Q2. Materials used and how the production process helped reduce the environmental impact?  
Q3. How have changes made to the physical infrastructure impacted upon production, such as reduced utility consumption, reduced wastage/waste treatment and improved process control.  
Q4. How has the supply chain included in the process driven environmental efficiencies?  
Q5. Describe the role that installation and fulfilment played in reducing the environmental impact and how changes in practices were employed. 

18. Campaign & Experiential

Q1. What is the entry's targeted retail environment?
Q2. List materials and construction processes used in manufacturing
Q3. List the channels/ mechanics that were employed and how they were integrated logistically and creatively
Q4. What role did P-O-P play in the campaign? 
Q5. How was the success of the campaign measured against objectives set?
Proof of shipment

19. Shop in Shop and 20. Flagship & Store

Q1. What were the objectives behind the store concept?

Q2. How were the objectives met and what were the results? 

Number of stores
Store cost (£) (for judges eyes only)
Proof of shipment

21. Insights (NEW FOR 2018)

Q1. Describe the challenge or opportunity requiring shopper insight. What were the objectives?
Q2. Describe why the insight methodology was used.
Q3. What impact did the insight results have on the end project/ campaign/ work?

22. Installation

Q1. Summarise the 3 key elements of the project that you believe are the most important.
This is your chance to succinctly highlight the most noteworthy elements of the project – to help the judges focus on them throughout the remaining questions.

Q2. What were the project objectives and how did you interpret these?
Were you supplied with a clear brief? What level of interpretation was involved? What elements of your tender or proposal do you think stood out?

Q3. Describe the planning process, highlighting challenges and how they were addressed.
Did the plan have to be altered during the project?

Q4. List the project complexities, giving a brief description of each.

Q5. Describe the single most complex element of the project.
For example, complexities of scale, technical constraints, shopper technology integral to the display, international factors, diversity of retail estate.

Q6. What specialist resources were involved in the project? How were these evaluated and monitored? 
What technical skills were required to complete the project? Detail any training involved. Were there any infrastructure issues? How was the project supported?

Q7. What factors arose during the lifecycle of the project that may have affected the timescales and how were they overcome?
What were the critical timings involved and how challenging were they? How did they impact on the project? What systems and processes were put in place to deliver within the timescales and how were they managed?

Q8. Taking into account the project objectives from question 2, what measures were put in place to monitor the performance of the project and what were the results?
Describe how both client-led and internal measures enabled effective performance management.

Q.9 What specific challenges, issues and considerations did you deal with during the project, that the judges should pay particular attention to?

Bolt-on Categories 


Judges will seen the main entry in addition to the question:

Q1. What are the main features of the entry which you believe make it innovative?


Q1. Practices employed in the design stage of the project that reduced the environmental impact of the display?
Q2. Materials used and how the production process helped reduce the environmental impact? 
Q3. How have changes made to the physical infrastructure impacted upon production, such as reduced utility consumption, reduced wastage/waste treatment and improved process control. 
Q4. How has the supply chain included in the process driven environmental efficiencies? 
Q5. Describe the role that installation and fulfilment played in reducing the environmental impact and how changes in practices were employed. 


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