POPAI Awards - Judging the Awards


Since POPAI began organising the industry awards, our judging process is tougher, fairer and more rigorous than ever before.

Who are the judges?

The POPAI Awards will once again select marketers from some of the UK's leading retail brands. 


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How your work is judged

Your work is judged and nominated for an award according to POPAI’s set criteria by a panel of esteemed retail and brand professionals.

Each judge is allocated one or more categories. After a preliminary round of judging online, the panel of judges gather in London for a day of final judging, where there is the opportunity for full and fair discussion of initial nomination recommendations before a final selection is made. In the first round, entries are scored based on how well they perform against the set judging criteria.  For example, if entrants are unable to submit supporting evidence of return on investment, sales uplift, or positive client testimonials as a result of their work, then that entry will not be eligible to receive a Gold standard score.

The identities of individual entrants remain undisclosed to judges throughout the duration of the process.

Judging criteria

Judges are asked to consider several important factors when deciding on whether an entry is worthy of nomination including:

Impressing the judges

Have a look at our top tips to increase your chances of winning:

Check out the Awards Entry Guide for more information including a criteria entry table which measures each criteria.


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