Events 2014

Over 40 speakers from top brands, retailers and suppliers have taken to the stage at POPAI events during 2014.

A list of all presentations given in 2014 are provided below. 

Retail Marketing Conference 2014

Crossing the great divides – tracking today’s consumers across screens and channels (Google)

Exploring the role of in-store display in a post recessionary market (Mars)

The role of in-store execution in changing deeply held brand perceptions (Ordnance Survey)

Supporting your brand stories through retail (Barbour)

Gen Z: How to design retail for the constant state of partial attention (Fitch)


Print Seminar

Overview of printing (IPIA)

Screen, lithographic and digital printing (Retail Print Solutions)

Printing on different substrates (Pyramid Display Materials)

Different finishes and inks (Reflex printed Plastics)

Colour management (Missing Horse Co)

Cardboard engineering (HRG)

 Innovations in digital print (HP)

A brand perspective: the future of print (Unilever)


Spring POPAI Seminar

The three dreaded words (Dairy Crest)

Planning and collaboration with your customer is key to a successful NPD launch (Beiersdorf)

GDR Creative Intelligence - Global Retail Trends: Make it personal presentation

GDR Creative Intelligence - Global Retail Trends: Make it personal report 

Marketing Week Live 2014 - Convert - Spring Update

BCR Associates - cost reduction management


Irish Shopper Marketing & In-store Conference

What Is the role of in-store display in a post recessionary retail environment (Mars Chocolate)


Autumn POPAI Seminar

Innovation in the eyes of the shopper (P&G)

Technical Innovation (P&G)

Cashing in on innovation (GDR)

Innovating with In-store theatre (gratterpalm)


Winter POPAI Seminar

Part 1: Don’t discount the retailers (Shoppercentric)

Part 2: Fragmentation in shopping behaviour (Shoppercentric)

Why building brand equity is a strategic imperative (Cath Kidston)

Global Retail Trends - Nuts and Bolts (GDR)

Retail Design Expo (RDE)