POPAI Winter Seminar 2015

POPAI Winter Seminar

POPAI's quarterly seminars provide an invaluable forum for retail marketing professionals to gain unique best practice insight into recent retail marketing campaigns and in-store innovations, as well as to share, debate and network with their peers.

The event will feature time for networking, an update from POPAI, an IP update from Sampson Legal, industry presentations and lunch at 12pm.

Hear from:


New Store Format

The 'Lidl effect' on private label branding
Shelf to sofa: How brands are bringing their products to life post-purchase


Kelly Latham-Gough and Rosie Wise 

Senior Marketing Manager Store Format and Head of Customer Experience

 Mark Artus


Colin Gentry

Innovation Researcher
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Retail Design Expo & Retail Digital Signage Expo 2016 

Sampson Legal    


Rachel Marshall (Nee Scott), Sales Manager


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If you have any questions about the event please contact the office on 01455 613651 or info@popai.co.uk.

Book your place

Location: London Transport Museum, Covent Garden Piazza, London