A must-attend event for retail marketers, creative agencies and P-O-P manufacturers in Ireland.
Kelly Latham-Gough
Senior Marketing Manager Store Format
Colin Gentry
Innovation Researcher
Fergal Downey
Managing Director
Mike Wilkinson
Sales Director
New store format: transforming the Wickes's customer journey
Download presentation from library
Get a grip: Make the intangible touchable, and give the physical meaning
Download presentation from library Download report
Lets get Phygital!: How digital is transforming physical retail
Insight into Global Lottery POP as a Brand
If you have any questions about the event please contact the office on 01455 613651 or
Location: Radisson BLU, Dublin Airport, Swords Road, Co. Dublin, Ireland
Members: £ FREE | NON-Members: £100.00
Login to your POPAI account to ensure member price is given.