Irish Shopper Seminar

POPAI's shopper seminars provide an invaluable forum for retail marketing professionals to gain unique best practice insight into recent retail marketing campaigns and in-store innovations, as well as to share, debate and network with their peers.

The Irish Shopper Seminar 2016 was held at the Radisson Blu at Dublin Airport and was a must-attend event for retail marketers, creative agencies and P-O-P manufacturers in Ireland.

Heard from:

Think Global, Act Local

  • Implementing a successful localisation strategy
  • Benefits of acting local

Paddy Carmody

Marketing Manager (ROI), Beiersdorf 

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Key trends in the Irish FMCG sector

  • Latest retail and sector and key category performance
  • How effective are your promotions in store?
  • Key trends in shopper behaviour in Ireland 

Matt Clark

Commercial Director - Nielsen Ireland 

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Developing and launching a new branded food and beverage retail concept 

  • Creating the concept - What? Why? Who? How?
  • Communicating to consumers
  • Our journey so far and key learnings

Brian O’Casey

Founder, Off Beat Donut Company

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The benefit of a great value proposition

  • Developing a clear target market
  • Solving your consumer or shopper's problem
  • Why you have to face up to your competition

Sharon Yourell Lawlor

Managing Director, Think Plan Do 

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Market Report: Ireland

  •  Just how are retailers fairing in Ireland?
  • How are improving market conditions translating to in-store activities
  • A look at five key sectors

Martin Kingdon

Director General, POPAI UK & Ireland

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The role of senses in building human-centred customer experience

  • What is human-centred customer experience?
  • 95% of human decisions are subconscious
  • The powerful influence of senses on consumers’ subconscious minds

Kate Nightingale

Consumer Psychologist, Style Psychology

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Book your place

Location: Radisson Blu, Dublin Airport, Dublin

Members: £ FREE | NON-Members: £80.00