
Modern P-O-P production techniques are varied and complex. There are a number of manufacturing processes used to mould and shape plastic in the creation of P-O-P displays. The eGuide2 Plastics aims to provide a first glance look at some of the basic methods, and the types of materials that are suitable for each production processes.

CNC Manufacturing

How do Computer Numeric Controlled machines work and plastic materials can be used in this process?

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Learn more about what's involved in the fabrication process when producing P-O-P displays.

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Heat Bending

Heat bending is a commonly used process when working with plastics during the production of P-O-P display.

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Injection Moulding

A mass production process for creating complex plastic parts.  Learn more about how it works and the plastic materials used.

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Vacuum Forming

A commonly used process for producing hollow 3D parts such as trays. Explore the process and suitable materials.

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