Digital Signage
The nuts and bolts of retail digital technologies from software, to hardware and content. This session will also look at technology to encourage shoppers to interact including touchscreen and gesture technology.
Screen & Network Hardware (MediaZest)
- Emerging trends in display hardware
- Choosing the right systems
- The role of the flagship store vs estate wide roll-outs
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Touch & Gesture (MediaZest)
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Content & Software (Beaver Group)
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Integration & Measurement
It is not just about selecting the right tools for your digital retail project but also about how these integrate with each other and how you will measure their success.
Smart Displays (Displayplan)
- Connecting content
- Reacting to interaction
- Cross-platform analytics
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Integration into traditional P-O-P (Linney)
- How can digital screens and traditional POS materials work in tandem?
- What role does physical product play with digital screens?
- How to manage the migration from a printed estate to a digital estate
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Analytics & Measurement (Shoppar)
- Measuring POS and digital signage using analytics
- Connecting customers to campaigns to empower in-store marketing
- Establishing key KPI’s to get the most out of retail data
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