Digital Disruption of Shopper Habits
Results of interviews with 200+ Irish shoppers
Examining fragmentation of shopping lists within categories, as needs are met on and offline
How are habits changing and what can brands and retailers do about it?
Danielle Pinnington
Managing Director, Shoppercentric
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Being Fabulous in a Fast World
Fast or Fabulous: what does this mean for the retail environment
Maltesers & Arnotts Case Study
What’s next?
Alyson Rice & Aoife O'Hanlon
Account Director, BBDO Shop & Brand Manager, Mars Ireland
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Grillin’ & Chillin’: Planning and Executing an Incredible In-store Campaign
What it takes to achieve execution effectiveness
Tesco Ireland and The Delta Group Case Study
Future of in-store activations
Margaret Forsyth, Niamh Higgins & Katie Mooney
Marketing Manager – Tesco Ireland, Commercial Director – The Delta Group, Account
Director – The Delta Group
Presentation coming soon
A Council For Kicks - Growing Brands Through Youth Relevance
A youth focused advertising campaign that spread across in-store, out-of-home, digital and social.
Mark Kilbride & David Balfe
Client Service Account
Director & Film Director, Thinkhouse
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Digital Signage in Dublin
The current extent of screen use in-store, by category
Networked screens v screens in display
Analysis of the types of screens in use
Anthony Earl
Insights Manager, POPAI UK & Ireland
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