Events 2016
POPAI's events during 2016 have heard from over 30 top brands, retailers and suppliers.

A list of all presentations available to download from 2016 are provided below.
Retail Marketing Conference 2016
Are shoppers tired of technology and does it add to the bottom line? (Retail Week)
The Power of Now (Twitter)
Shopper Marketing in a Multichannel, Connect, Digital World (Unilever)
In this time poor world, how do we get customers to stay and engage in our retail offering for longer? (Vodafone)
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Shopper Seminar (April)
The future is now: Connected retail (Benefit / Breed)
Delivering Europe’s Largest Retail Installation (Momentum Instore)
The Art of Authenticity (GDR Creative Intelligence)
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Shopper Seminar (June)
Is your customer journey flat? (WorldPay / FITCH)
Shifting preconceptions: Communicating brands in unexpected ways (GDR Creative Intelligence)
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Retail Experience Conference (July)
Innovating the retail space to create a brand experience (Sky)
Barkers for Dogs from concept to creation (Pets at Home)
Automotive retail experience (Volvo / TRO)
O2: Reinventing the retail experience (O2 / Dalziel & Pow)
Designing where it’s made and where it’s sold (Amouage / JHP)
Christmas at Liberty of London (Liberty)
The role of senses in building human-centred customer experience (Style Psychology)
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Shopper Seminar (September)
Tackling what's trending (GDR Creative Intelligence)
Applying decision science at the point of purchase to increase effectiveness (KFC / Decode)
Creating stand-out and consideration in a category no-one wants to shop (Bluechip Marketing)
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Irish Shopper Seminar
Think Global, Act Local (Beiersdorf)
Key trends in the Irish FMCG sector (Nielson Ireland)
Developing and launching a new branded F&B retail concept (Offbeat Donuts Co)
The benefit of a great value proposition (Think Plan Do Consultancy)
The role of senses in building human-centred customer experience (Style Consultancy)
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Shopper Seminar (December)
The role of shopper marketing in delivering in-store experiences (Shoppercentric)
Retail in a Brexit World (John Ryan)
Cause and Effect: brands can become the trusted choice by doing good (GDR Creative Intelligence)
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